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Awareness Education Action


 We are called to put our UU values and faith into action to build a world that is peaceful, compassionate, just and sustainable.  


In the tradition of UU's, our Fellowship, it's members and friends live our UU principals by participating in many social and human concerns endeavors.  Socail Action is the lifeblood of our Fellowship.  It nourishes us spiritually and enriches our community.


LUUF's Social Justice committee sponsors many different ways to make a difference in the world through social justice and community outreach.  We work with partners in the community at various concerns throughout the community and are often well represented.  We have a strong committment to social justice, supporting and encouraging our members and friends to be involved in some way with our social justice outreach activites.

Our Fellowship offers members and friends many hands-on opportunities to create social justice, including participation in:


Hope House of Manitowoc County

Hope House, a program of Lakeshore Interfaith Hospitality Network and an affiliate of Family Promise, is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide immediate shelter and guidance to homeless individuals and families, due to the impact of misfortunes upon their lives. Once accepted into the program, Hope House provides meals, shelter, case management, referrals to community agencies, supportive listening and many other resources as needed. Hope House helps to create structure out of chaos by creating a goal-oriented plan so those desperately in need of shelter can focus beyond daily survival, to a life of stability

InCourage - Domestic Violence Center

The Mission of the Department of Children and Families is to improve the economic and social well-being of Wisconsin’s children, youth and families. The Department is committed to protecting children and youth, strengthening families, and supporting communities.

Painting Pathways

Painting Pathways Clubhouse empowers adults with diagnosed mental illness by building community, supporting recovery, and changing lives

Two Rivers Ecumenical Pantry (TREP)

Food assistance for those in need. Serving Two Rivers, Mishicot, and surrounding areas.​

The Haven of Manitowoc County

The Haven’s Mission is to advocate for homeless men while providing community resources and an interfaith approach towards self-sufficiency.















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Lakeshore Unitarian Universalist Fellowship lives it's mission....


We are a welcoming, and accepting, diverse and inquiring spiritual fellowship,

     We unite to create a community which stimulates a free exchange and

     Exploration of ideas, foster spiritual and intellectual growth, and

     serves as a base for active outreach to benefit the world around us.


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Where are we?

620 Park Street, Manitowoc, WI 54228

Along the shores of Lake Michigan

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