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What to expect

Newcomers are often curious about what worship at Unitarian Universalist (UU) church will be like. Here’s what you can expect from a Sunday visit to Lakeshore Unitariran Universalist Fellowship (LUUF)


Program Year Schedule (September through May)

Sunday Service at 10:00am.  Childrens enrichment service and nursery care is currently suspended due to covid, feel free to bring a favorite toy, or activity, or we can provide activities bags for children and a rocking chair for parents and caregivers who prefer to gently rock their children during service. 


As you enter, the first person you’re likely to see is one of our volunteer greeters. If it is your first time with us, he or she will direct you to the Visitor’s Table, where you may make a name tag, pick up brochures or a newsletter, and chat with others, or find a seat in our sancuary. You can also fill out a visitor card if you’d like us to send you the newsletter so you can learn more about our Sunday services and what is happening within our Fellowship, and ways you can get involved. Of course, you are welcome to bypass the Visitor’s Table, or visit it after the service.









Enter, Rejoice and Come in! 

The congregation is a lively bunch, as we meet each other and come togethre in spiritual community. The service begins right on time with a musical prelude by our pianist, followed by one of our volunteer service leaders welcoming us all to service.  Followed by a few announcements and then welcomes members and friends of the congregation to offer their own announcements.  These announcements generally offer thanks for help in social action efforts, or opportunities for joining members in social action efforts in the community.  Or maybe an an ask for assistance with a task at the Fellowship, or in our gardens. 

Chalice Lighting

We light a candle in a metal sculpture, called a "Flaming Chalice" a symbol of Unitarian Universalism.  Hans Deutsch, an Austrian artist, first brought together the chalice and the flame as a Unitarian symbol during his work with the Unitarian Service Committee during World War II. To Deutsch, the image had connotations of sacrifice and love.  Then we often sing a song from our hymnal. These songs reflect a variety of musical styles, cultures and religious beliefs.



Joys & Concerns

Community connections are strengthened through this weekly sharing of personal joys and concerns.  All are welcome to share a joyful event in your life, or find strength in sharing a difficult time.   A candle is lit by the service leader, or you are welcome to come forward and light a candle.  A final candle is lit to acknowledge joys and concerns that are kept to ourselves.  Followed by a spiritual reading and a moment of quiet reflection, meditation or prayer. 

Service Presentation

Lakeshore Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is a lay-led congregation, with a dedicated service planning committee, which recruites presenters from all walks of life.  One Sunday you may hear a Unitarian Universalist Minister, another a member of the community, or a leader from one of our social justice outreach organizations, as well as other religious leaders or educator.  We offer a diverse and enriching spiritual experience.  With no Dogma, or creed that must be followed.  Each Sunday Service presentation is unique and will fill you with questions and expand your horizons.   Following the presentation, the service is open to questions to clarify, or expand on the presentation, a time for sharing and growing together, in community. 


We close our service with a hymm and a verse, acknowledging  our commitment  to community, peace and justice, reflecting the seven principals of Unitarian Universalism.  


Immediately following the service, all are welcome for coffee and conversation in our second floor kitchen.  A lift is available for those who are challenged with the stairs.  Please feel free to join us in fellowship. 


The fourth Sunday of each month is "Soup Sunday" -- a day to celebrate food and community.  Sharing our culinary talents and a meal in companionship with our congregation members and friends.  All visitors are welcome to join us at this monthly "Pot Luck" meal.  If you wish, bring a dish to pass, but it's not necessary, as there is always plenty to share.  UU's love to eat and love to make sure there is plenty at the table. 









Where are we?

620 Park Street, Manitowoc, WI 54228

Along the shores of Lake Michigan

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